Our eldest has had a pedal bike for several years already but has had no interest in learning how to use until a recent visit from friends whose son had just learn to ride his bike After they left he asked if he could try, so we dusted his bike off and headed out into the garden. He tried once or twice with Dad's help but it was a sweltering hot day and we retreated to the house very quickly. He spent a little time balancing on the bike on our patio and in the late afternoon when it was cooling down we headed out to the easier ground in our field to try again. I had to stop for a moment and by the time I caught up to them 5 minutes later he was already off and away. Just goes to show that if you wait until they are ready they can easily master things :)
Opa is busy renovating the veggie garden so I took these before he started a few weeks back. Amazing how things grow, the garden already looks so different.