
Saturday, September 1, 2012 search of Spring!

Once upon a time the world seemed very cold, and dry, and brown, and dead.

The people wondered if there would ever be colour again...they closed themselves up in their homes, comforting themselves with their colour tv's and waited and wished and hoped.

Then one day a gallant knight and a courageous princess set off into the world in search of spring.
"You can't do it" said the people, "it's too hard, it could take too long, how will you ever find your way?"

But they were not scared, oh no, they had their swords and most importantly each other.

They wandered far.
They wandered wide.
They wandered and wondered side by side.
And of course it came to pass, that spring did begin one day.
And the buds became blossoms and flowers.

 The Knight and the Princess brought the blooms back to the people
"Come out, come out" they called,
"Come and see!"
"We've found the Spring and brought it to thee!"
And the people looked around and saw it was everywhere
They couldn't believe their eyes

 "When did it happen?" the people wanted to know "Was is there yesterday?"
 "Who knows" shrugged the knight, "I couldn't say"

"But it wasn't now,
And it wasn't then,
However I have no doubt it will happen again!"

And no matter how hard they tried the Knight and Princess just couldn't exactly remember
Perhaps it was the first of September?
"Of course not", they laugh
"Don't be so silly, it's just a date
And what does mother nature know of early or late?"

Happy Spring Day :)

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